We asked for AI, we got chat bots instead

NT Balanarayan
jetpack ride into the future
3 min readApr 13, 2016


I tried some of the bots available on Facebook and here’s my experience using them.

1. CNN

2. WSJ


  1. Someone needs to use these APIs offered by Microsoft to build in some basic intelligence into these bots.
  2. Chat bots have been around for decades now, what’s been achieved currently is too basic. Way too basic.
  3. People hate call center menus — being asked to do certain things in specific order. Bots have this same annoying UX.
  4. When will bots be able to talk to each other? Apps can talk to each other to some extant. Without bots being able to do the same they cannot replace apps.
  5. Will Siri / Google Now / Cortana / Alexa ever pass on a question to a FB Messenger bot? If not, why would someone ask a question to Siri / Google Now / Cortana / Alexa, or search for a specific bot on Messenger and then ask the question? Oh then what happens to that company’s app?
  6. How will FB make it easier for people to manage all these bots? How will they be brought up to the right person, at the right time?
  7. People struggle to find apps they installed on their phone, how will FB stop that issue from coming up on Messenger?
  8. I want news. Should I have to pick between CNN and WSJ?
  9. Not all news from CNN shows up in these bots.
  10. Do people still trust Facebook enough to build a company entirely on its platform?

What Twitter had to say about Facebook chat bots



Salesforce consultant @saasfocus, ex-journalist and a casual gamer. Opinions are mine and don't reflect those of my employer.